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#楼主# 2017-9-14



阴阳 快慢 刚柔
Yin and Yang, Rapid and Slow, Hard and Soft
急缓相间 以柔克刚
Alternate Rapid and Slow, Overcome Hardness with Softness
依存与转换 和谐的理念
Stillness and Transformation, The Idea of Balance
内外 神形
Internal and External, Spirit and Form
激发潜能 快乐身心
Unleash Potential, Wellness for Body and Mind
系统与平衡 健康的运动
Balance the System, A Sport for Health
一拳一健康 一法一世界
An Exercise for Health, An Exercise for the World
太极拳 献给世界的中国瑰宝
Taijiquan, the Chinese Treasure for the World

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